Vundle is a open source package management utility that aims to be a one stop tool for searching, trying and installing plugins. “Vundle is short for Vim bundle…” as documented in the about section of the project homepage at github. The project can be found at [gmarik/vundle]. The quick start requires git to clone vundle and then subsequently you will need to configure the .vimrc file, this file is usually found in a users home folder. The dot at the front of the .vimrc file indicates it is a hidden file. Each operating system has a different way to make hidden files visible, however usage of .vimrc file in vim is a common practice, further information can be found in the vim wiki about .vimrc file page. Completing the installation will enable the following commands in vim.
:BundleInstall – Required to initially install the tool.
:BundleSearch – Allows for searching for plugins. You can install them inline within the search to try them out, however the .vimrc file is not modified by the installation.
Plugin List
- Xml.Vim – Editing xml with this plugin is made easier with shortcuts, automatic tag completion, and functionality to keep the xml syntactically correct. (REMEMBER: file being edited must be “.xml”)
- XmlPretty – Formats the xml in a file. (REMEMBER: file being edited must have be “.xml”)
- fugitive.vim – Git integration with vim, a lot of features.
- gitv – builds on fugitive to allow browsing all diffs in the history of commits within a git repo.
- NERDTree – File Browser integration allowing for easy navigation and opening of files from within vim.